St. Bonaventure University

Accessibility Services & Accommodations

St. Bonaventure University is committed to providing all students with access to its facilities, academic content, institutional and residential services, and extracurricular opportunities.

The Office of Accessibility Services and Accommodations provides academic assistance and equitable access to promote more opportunities for all students with disabilities, while encouraging self-advocacy, to ensure that students achieve their personal goals and celebrate success.

Who is eligible for accommodations?

Students with disabilities may be eligible to receive accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services and Accommodations. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) define a person with a disability as one who:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • or has a record of such an impairment
  • or is regarded as having such an impairment
 “Major life activities” are functions such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, sleeping, learning, caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, reproduction, and working.

Student Experience

The university experience is different than high school. While there might be some things that are similar, accommodations you used in the past may no longer be reasonable or appropriate in college. They may also look a little different.  

Another difference as you transition to college is the role your parents play in requesting and evaluating accommodations. At St. Bonaventure, YOU are in control of your academic requests, and you are the best source of information. Your parents are a great support, but you are responsible for requesting accommodations and self–advocacy.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that students give their express consent for the university to share any personal or academic information with parents or guardians. We can’t talk with your parents without your written consent.

Signing a FERPA waiver does not allow parents to arrange accommodations on their child's behalf, nor does it mean we will reach out to a student's parents. We will always contact you about your progress and accommodations.

The process to request accommodations and notify professors of your accommodations is very easy.

It’s important for you to discuss your accommodation requests or disability related barriers you anticipate with the director of the Office of Accessibility Services and Accommodations. Accommodation requests can happen at any time while you are attending St. Bonaventure — just remember; accommodations are not retroactive; you need to make sure you have them in place so you can use them when you need them. You can’t go back and use them in regard to an activity or situation that is already completed. 

Requesting Academic Accommodations & Services

To request academic accommodations:
  • Step 1: Complete the registration form to request accommodations
  • Step 2: Provide the Office of Accessibility Services and Accommodations with up-to-date documentation indicating your disability and suggested accommodations
    • Scan and send an email to the ASA office
    • Mail a hard copy to Accessibility Services and Accommodations, P.O. Box 2479, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
    • Upload the documentation to a secure Moodle site (information on how to do this will be provided if necessary)
    General Document Guidelines
    Disability Provider Information Form (for health care providers to complete)

  • Step 3: Once steps 1 and 2 are completed, the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations will email you (via your Bonaventure email) to set up an intake meeting to discuss accommodations, policies, and procedures. The intake meeting can usually be scheduled within a week of receiving the information requested in steps 1 and 2.
  • Step 4: If you are eligible for accommodations you will complete the Accommodation Letter (available on to notify your professors of your accommodations.
    • Online accommodation letters should be completed at the beginning of each new semester. You are responsible for completing these letters.
    • You should meet with each of your professors to discuss accommodation needs. Professors are receptive to meeting with you to discuss your academic accommodations.
    • If professors have questions or concerns, they should contact the ASA office staff to discuss them. It is the professor’s responsibility to maintain confidentially of information regarding students with disabilities.
  • Step 5: It’s important for you to let the ASA office staff know if your accommodations are not effective, or if something changes with respect to your initial accommodation request.